IMPAC²T is a collaborative project between the Department of Earth System Modeling for Aeronautics, Space, Transport and Energy of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at DLR and the working group Environmental Risks of the Institute of Epidemiology of Helmholtz Munich.
The Young Research Group „Impact of transport emissions on air quality“ of the Department of Earth System Modeling for Aeronautics, Space, Transport and Energy of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the German Aerospace center (DLR) has the project lead of IMPAC²T. They will perform the air pollution & climate projections and will analyse trends of air pollutants and climate for these regions.
The working group Environmental Risks of the Institute of Epidemiology of Helmholtz Munich will perform the analysis of the health effects of air pollution using data from the NAKO Gesundheitsstudie and MECO(n).
More information on the working group Environmental Risks at Institute of Epidemeology
Moreover, the project is supported by several associated collaborators. These are:
The project is supported by Ayo Oluleye and Gbode Imoleayo Ezekiel of the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science from the Federal University of Technology in Akure, Nigeria (FUTA). They support the project with their expertise on air pollution & climate modelling for West Africa and provide contact to local authorities.